“It was an outstanding presentation and the content was fascinating! Her passion shines through her work and inspired meaningful and impactful conversations” - BOEING USA

Dr. Rosa Vásquez Espinoza is a Peruvian native scientist, conservationist and celebrated National Geographic Explorer. A pioneer in explorations in the Amazon Rainforest, she stands as a unique bridge between ancient wisdom and modern science, and now has a story to tell.

Would you like to know…

…how can lessons from the Amazon inspire leadership in times of change?

…what is the real impact climate change is having in our planet?

…what solutions do we find in nature for a sustainable future?

Dr. Rosa brings transformative insights from the Amazon Rainforest to empower leaders and audiences in corporate, government, and educational sectors.

Discover strategies to navigate climate change, harness nature's solutions for sustainability, and boost creativity and innovation. 

on stage - on screen - on demand

“Rosa’s knowledge of conservation efforts, sustainability, and overall ecosystem health and impact on humans was the perfect message to motivate our audience”

- National Geographic Learning


  • Join Dr. Rosa, the “Amazon Jungle Scientist”, as she shares captivating tales of her adventures and upbringing in the rainforest, weaving in scientific knowledge and insights that can inform sustainable business practices. This talk offers a unique opportunity to learn from the wisdom of the Amazon, inspiring attendees to adopt more sustainable business strategies that prioritize environmental stewardship and social responsibility. By leveraging Dr. Rosa's expertise, corporate leaders can take meaningful action towards a more sustainable future that benefits both their business and the planet.

  • In her talk, Dr. Rosa combines insights from her explorations in extreme environments and indigenous wisdom to enhance decision-making, risk management and resilience. She showcases how nature's strategies and indigenous knowledge can guide us in navigating uncertainty and making informed choices, fostering resilience and success in our personal and professional lives. Rosa's unique perspective offers a holistic approach to tackling challenges, rooted in deep natural understanding and cultural insights.

  • Dr. Rosa shares her unique journey as an Indigenous Latina scientist, weaving tales from the Amazon through international boardrooms in the USA, Asia and Europe. She offers a fresh perspective on leadership and confidence, blending her diverse experiences to reveal how resilience, adaptability, and cultural understanding can transform organizational dynamics. Rosa's stories not only inspire but also provide practical strategies for empowering leaders in any sphere.

  • In this talk, Dr. Rosa Vásquez Espinoza, a trailblazer in merging the natural and digital realms, presents a transformative educational model. She discusses integrating experiential outdoor learning with the latest in technological advancements to reshape how we teach and learn. Rosa's insights, drawn from her journey as a chemical biologist and conservationist, reveal how connecting the raw beauty of nature with modern tech can create a more immersive and interconnected learning experience, setting the stage for an education system that is both innovative and holistic and that promotes critical thinking and creativity.

  • Dr. Rosa delves into the rich tapestry of indigenous wisdom to unveil key strategies for fostering inclusivity and growth in our global community. Drawing from her deep-rooted connections with native cultures, she highlights how embracing diverse perspectives can drive innovative thinking and sustainable development. Rosa's insights offer a unique lens on building more cohesive and adaptable teams, emphasizing the strength and creativity that come from unity in diversity.

  • In this talk, Dr Rosa combines storytelling and science to transform our buying habits for planetary good. Drawing inspiration from explorations around the world including in the Amazon Rainforest, this talk illuminates the profound impact our purchasing decisions have on the environment, communities, and the global market. This session reveals how each purchase is a sustainability vote, blending ethics, product lifecycles, and corporate responsibility. Ideal for diverse audiences, it offers tools for active environmental guardianship and ethical consumerism. Join us on this journey towards a more responsible, greener future.

Dr. Rosa can deliver these keynotes in English, Spanish or Italian

  • Keynote Speaking

  • Virtual Keynote

  • Podcast

  • Executive Advisory

Over 30 keynote events in 10 countries.

Instilling inspiration from nature to excel in times of change.

Dr Rosa Vasquez Espinoza has delivered over 30 keynote events in 10 countries for corporate, public, governmental and educational audiences

As seen on

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